Foilayage in Bethel, CT

Incredible Foilayage

We proudly offer foilayage in our Bethel, CT hair studio.  Get the higher definition and brighter color you desier with this elite service.  If you’d like to schedule your foilayage appointment, please give us a call at (203) 628-2676 or use our contact form.

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(203) 628-2676

What Is Foilayage?

Foilayage is a hair coloring method that combines the traditional foil process and balayage technique. Get the best of both worlds with foilyage. Like the balayage method, the color gets painted onto the hair by hand, but like the traditional foil process, the colored sections are wrapped in foils to create the most desirable result. A foilayage will result in coloring in the middle of what your standard balayage and foil method would produce.

Why We Love Foilayage!

Foilayage is a perfect process to achieve a natural color change, highlights, or boldness because it avoids the hand-painted imperfections that come with a balayage. The foilyage method is truly a perfect combination of traditional foils and a balayage to get the best of both worlds. Bright, bold, but natural coloring. Get a perfect blend of the two to achieve a beautifully balanced hair color. Go lighter and bolder than a balayage but softer and more natural than the classic foil method.

Book Your Foilayage Appointment Today!

(203) 628-2676

What Is the Difference Between Foilyage and Balayage?

A foilayage combines the balayage and foil method for hair coloring. The balayage method does not use any foil. The hair coloring or lightener gets applied directly onto your hair, and the chemicals do their work. Fundamentally, the primary difference between a foilyage and a balayage is that for a foilyage, that area is wrapped in foil like the traditional foil method after the coloring is applied. The foil will help amplify the effect of the chemicals, so for some people, a foilyage may be the preferred route over a balayage to get a lighter, bolder color.

Foilayage Technique

Foilayage is a technique where balayage and traditional foils team up to create a balayage effect without the restrictions of balayage. Foilyage allows for more lift than a balayage because it’s enclosed in a foil. It’s also great when working with multiple colors that need to be kept separate. This look can be customized to be as subtle or as bold as you want and is typically less maintenance than regular foils.

How To Care for Foilyage

Make sure to take care of your foilayage to ensure all that hard work and beautiful hair coloring lasts as long as possible. You should only wash your hair 2-3 times a week (or as little as possible) to prevent the color from coming out or fading. Only use color-safe shampoo, conditioner, and other hair products to maintain immaculately hydrated/moisturized hair with vibrant, lively coloring that will last.

Foilyage FAQs

How Long Does a Foilyage Take?

A foilyage will not take any longer than you can expect a balayage or classic foil coloring session to take. Because it is essentially the same two processes just combined, it is nothing too different. It all depends on the individual and what they are trying to achieve. A foilyage could take anywhere from 30 minutes to 4 hours.

What is the benefit of Foilyage?

Foilage provides more of a lift in your hair because the highlights stay separate. Foilyage is also great if you highlight your hair with multiple colors because it will prevent the colors from mixing. Foilyage also typically takes less work to maintain than regular foils.  Lastly it provides brighter, more brilliant effects as it allows for a gorgeous gradient from root to tip.  Our clients love it as it offers better contrast in color like an ombre, but it is blended far better.

How long does Foilayage last in your hair?

Like most highlights, the actual time that they will last depends on how you care for your hair. However, foilayage should last around 2 months because of the combined techniques.

How Much Does a Foilyage Cost?

Again, this factor primarily depends on what you are trying to accomplish with your hair. Some smaller projects may only cost $60, while more drastic changes that take much more time, effort, and product can be up to $400. Most foilyage appointments will fall somewhere in the middle. Contact us to schedule a free consultation in Bethel, CT where we can give you a better idea of the cost for you.

Schedule A Consultation with Hair Studio 7

Hair Studio 7 is ready to foilayage your hair and help you find your new style. Contacts us in Bethel, CT to schedule a consultation with one of our expert stylists to explore the exciting and effective foilyage method to glow with a fresh look.

Book Your Foilayage Appointment Today!

(203) 628-2676