4 Tips to Keep Your K-Tip Extensions Looking Brand New

4 Tips to Keep Your K-Tip Extensions Looking Brand New

K Tip Extensions

For those of you who have gone ahead and purchased keratin-bonded hair extensions, you’ve probably already noticed how amazing they look. These K-tip extensions keep the natural look of your hair while enhancing the volume and fullness of your cut. While your brand new extensions already look beautiful, you need to make sure to maintain them to keep them looking their best! Here are our four tips to keep your K-tip extensions looking brand new. 

Clean Your K-Tip Extensions Regularly

Now that you already have gotten your extensions make sure you shampoo and condition regularly to keep that natural and healthy hair. By cleaning your extensions regularly, you’ll be able to keep that salon-quality hair.

One thing to watch out for is shampoos with sulfate in the shampoo. Sulfate will break down your extensions, so be sure to use sulfate-free shampoos. 

Our choice shampoo would be LuxeOrganix Moroccan Oil Shampoo and Conditioner

This shampoo and conditioner set is completely free of any sulfates and won’t strip any color from your hair, which is perfect for your extensions. 

Use the Right Brush and Techniques to Maintain Your Hair 

When brushing out your hair with your new extensions, it is important to detangle your hair as soon as it gets tangled. Getting rid of the tangles as soon as they appear will upkeep the quality of your hair.

Technique matters when brushing out your extensions! Be sure to start at the ends of your hair, detangling the hair, and work your way up to the roots of your hair. For sections of hair that are tough to brush out, hold on with your free hand and brush it out. 

While the technique you use to brush out your hair is important, the brush itself is just as important. There are specific brushes designed to brush out hair with K-tip extensions that will glide through hair.

Two of our favorites would be the Denman Tangle Tamer Ultra and Tangle Teezer.

These two brushes were designed for hair with extensions and will glide through your hair without damaging your extensions as a normal brush would. 

Use the Right Products and Low Heat

While you can still use products and heated styling tools with your extensions, you need to ensure you’re doing it correctly. With your K-tip extensions, be sure to use light products and avoid anything with sulfates and silicones in them. 

If you use heated tools on your hair extensions, use a lower heat setting than you usually would. Using too much heat on your extensions can lead to permanent damage, so be sure not to leave the bonds to direct heat for too long. 

Schedule Regular Maintenance Appointments 

Even though you already received your bonded extensions, making regular appointments with the professionals is still important! Your extensions still will need a periodic trim to keep up with your regular hair growth. When you go in for your regular appointments, this would also be a great time to ask your stylist any questions or concerns about your K-tip extensions. Going in for an appointment every four to six weeks will keep your extensions looking brand new. 

If you’re thinking about getting hair extensions, Hair Studio 7 has a team of professional stylists who can style and help maintain your extensions. Don’t wait; come in today and get your perfect hair!