Stop Hurting Your Hair: How to Know What Heat Level to Use on Your Hair

Stop Hurting Your Hair: How to Know What Heat Level to Use on Your Hair

It’s crucial to practice a good grooming regimen when it comes to your hair because it can make or break a look. Using extreme heat when styling hair can damage hair strands or damage it permanently, and it’s therefore recommended to maintain the recommended temperature. Several factors influence the amount of heat, for example, the type of hair and heating tool used. We’ll get into detail below.

Factors Influencing Temperature

There isn’t one size fits all when it comes to temperature selection. However, some of the factors you should consider include the following:

Hair texture

People have different hair textures. If your hair is hard, it means it can withstand extreme elements, including hot temperatures. On the other hand, thinner hair has a less protective layer, meaning it’s more likely to burn easily.


Naturally, water absorbs heat. If your hair is moisturized from natural oils, it will withstand heat, and the opposite is also true.

Heat Styling Tools and Heat Indexes

Different tools emit varying levels of heat. Understanding some of the most common tools will ensure you’re best prepared when using any of them.

Blow dryers

They emit heat between 80 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Turning the heat to the maximum can burn not only your hair but also your skin. It’s recommended to use a blow dryer at a moderate-high temperature.

Moreover, a blow dryer relies on the fan’s speed to dry your hair. It dries hair faster when the fan rotates faster. If the fan rotates slowly while the temperature remains the same, you risk burning your skin. As such, ensuring your blow dryer is operating optimally is crucial.

Curling Irons

The typical range in a curling iron is between 200 and 360 degrees Fahrenheit. One of the most important factors to consider when setting the temperature on a curling iron is your hair texture. You can set it at between 200 and 300 degrees if you have thick hair.

On the other hand, you should not set the temperature above 200 degrees if you have thin hair.

Flat Irons

Flat irons are used to straighten hair, which requires a higher temperature. Most flat irons operate between 250 to 400 Fahrenheit. It’s recommended to choose a setting that’s between 300-395 degrees Fahrenheit. Otherwise, you run the risk of damaging your hair. If you have thicker hair, you have more flexibility because your hair can withstand up to 340 degrees. On the other hand, individuals with thinner hair should ideally limit the temperature to 290 degrees. It would be best to avoid a flat iron if you have damaged or weak hair.

Check Your Heating Tool

It’s not enough to set the temperature. It’s also as equally important to investigate whether your heating tool is operating optimally. For example, the fan plays a crucial role in a blow dryer. Moreover, it’s crucial to regularly service your heating tool because some parts may wear out. 


If you’re a hair enthusiast, you cannot downplay heat’s role in styling. There are several heating tools, and understanding how each one works, including the heating elements, will ensure you don’t damage your hair or skin, for that matter. It’s recommended to check your heating tools regularly to ensure everything is working optimally. For more hair care tips, schedule a consultation with Hair Studio 7!